понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cdse exams

So, the forum on my website is finally taking off a little.

In case you missed it, itapos;s www.whoelseisoutthere.com . SIGN UP

Halloween is right around the corner and time is finally starting to slow down. In fact, itapos;s gone from a screaming breakneck gallop to a crippled infant crawl.

Also, Iapos;m broke and need money desperately. Comcast doubled my internet rate behind my back (chaotically evil little shits) and I am not accepting applications for prostitution. The cost is 100$ a night with me, and Iapos;ll do anything but the butt (thatapos;s 200, because I am told that is where the poo lives). With your application, you must submit hard evidence that you are disease-free. Oh, and of course, I will accept women as well.

So who wants a hot piece?

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

camping merit badge worksheet

Me Lily went to see Mirah last night in Buffalo. She was so great. The opening band was No Kids. We also saved the keyboardist from certain death. Afterwards, we drove to SUNY Buffalo to stay over at Sam Turnerapos;s apartment. As usual, we spent the whole night laughing. Which is just what I needed.

Backtrack to Friday night: Lauren came to visit, Me, Sarah, Joe, and Kelly went out to MAC�house and made friends and got free Pizza out of the deal. Saturday, during the day, I went thrifting with Lauren co. And got some pad thai in Rochester.

Now to complete my sunday i plan on watercoloring, cleaning, and maybe doing some actual work for classes. Weapos;ll see.

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Breakfast at The Quarter cafe which is in Degraves Lane. I had poached eggs bacon on turkish and they were quite good. $8.50. I had to rush as I needed to get out to Janetapos;s place on time.

Went out by Glen Waverley line. Looked at lots of graffiti on the way.

Lunch at their house. Sam was cracking the major shits most of the time. I went to school with Janet.

Back in town now and preparing to have dinner (African) tonight. We may be going to Planet Afrique... There are 3 addresses we have in case plan A fails. It has been a low key day.

Stopped in at Doughbuoys and got two: Flying Doctors (raspberry filled with raspberry icing) and Halleyapos;s Comet (white chocolate icing with rainbow sprinkles). They taste like Krispy Kremes.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

ca membership vacation

So, Iapos;ve been here a long time. But this community has just gotten so shitty, itapos;s time to go. I tried to stay for the lulz and the fact that Iapos;ve never dealt with a more horrible mod in my entire life, youapos;re rude and attention-whoring, not to mention your character is plain fucking ridiculous, and you allow shit to happen that is just wrong. And youapos;re raping Batman fandom, which is a cardinal sin on many, many levels.

Iapos;ve never done this sort of thing before. Iapos;m really a very, very nice person. Itapos;s saddening.

Those of you who I did talk to and were nice, thank you very much. I know Mbells isnapos;t quite big in these circles, so thanks for giving him a chance. =)

I really encourage those of you who feel the same to leave also. Youapos;re better than this. All of you. Sayonara bitches

Itapos;s not really that difficult. Also, your tattoos suck.

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Saturday 18 October 2008 15:00, Barclays Premier League

Daniel Agger replaces the injured Martin Skrtel in the heart of Liverpoolapos;s defence for this afternoonapos;s clash with Wigan - a game you can listen to live online from 2.55pm BST. The Dane makes his first Premier League start of the season, as does Jermaine Pennant, while Rafa Benitez has selected Robbie Keane and Dirk Kuyt up front in the absence of the hamstrung Fernando Torres.

The Liverpool team in full:
Reina - Arbeloa, Carragher, Agger, Dossena - Pennant, Alonso, Gerrard, Riera - Kuyt, Keane

Cavalieri, Hyypia, Insua, Benayoun, Ngog, Lucas, El Zhar

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fairmont turnberry isle florida

Our general contractor Margie Tucker had gently suggested that I clear off the (currently only) house porch for Thursday, when the Tour of Remodeled Homes pre-show judges were slated to come see if our home is worthy of the March 2009 show.�

Apparently she thought the prospects of judges passing a couple of hundred pounds of produce--some of which smelled better than others--might not make the best impression.

I agreed. But I did it one step better and created a back porch that would have made Martha Stewart proud, complete with pine cones, three types of gourds and a wooden bench that I carved out of tree branches that morning. I also put some red wine-poached pears with cinnamon and ginger in a warming kettle on the stove, emitting a lovely harvest-time smell that easily masked that of, well, everything else.

The Tour caravan called and moved up their arrival by two hours, clearly Part 1 of the test.

We were ready. Celine was looking her cutest. The framers (Mark Hughes Constructionapos;s--Mark H., Owen, Josh, Richard and Fred) were practically running to get a lot done quickly and even moved a bit faster when they had an audience. In top form, Margie lead the group through the house.

I showed a few "before" house pictures and explained to one participant my rationale behind having a stuffed rat in our wall mail slot. Then, In less time than it takes for a Superbowl commercial break, they had gone. Whew. Time will tell of our success.

Given the backbreaking cleaning effort yesterday, Iapos;d planned to sleep in this morning to treat myself. Owen, a compressor�and a sawzall planned differently. It sounded louder than usual, I recall telling Lori. Despite all the construction noise, it really was Loriapos;s alarmed shriek that brought me to my feet at 8:35 a.m.�

Sheapos;d been ironing a shirt she planned to put on for work when she noticed that the window adjacent my desk near the living room was missing, entirely--something we hadnapos;t expected to happen for a couple of weeks. (Weapos;d been planning to move all of our computer gear so it wouldnapos;t be exposed to dust.)

Loriapos;s shriek erupted when she saw that four framers were eye level outside, only a cheap mostly-closed mini-blind away. The men politely pretended theyapos;d seen nothing, but they seemed a bit cheerier than usual. Cheerier, that is, until I started the video camera and made Owen put out his cigarette.

The framers had taken out the window early, said Owen, because the edge of it was too near another wall that they were erecting today. He apologized, but I proceeded to "torture" the men by playing a very loud apos;80s politically correct womenapos;s song called "Spent my last $10 on birth control and beer."

Who was that band? asked Richard. I said it was Two Nice Girls. "Which two?" he asked. "I only date nice girls," Owen chimed in.

Buoyed by the early morning escapade, the framers finished nearly the entire first floor of the addition, using a sort of lever to mechanically raise an entire side at a time.

Fred, in particular, seems to have no fear of heights. Heapos;s deaf but that doesnapos;t hinder his work; if anything heapos;s better off given the tool noises. He can balance on a narrow beam holding a nail gun with the ease of a ballroom dancer. Josh is the go-to guy and does much of the sawing and hefting, all wearing his Padres ball cap. Richard, Owenapos;s uncle,�helps out wherever needed--doing the jobs nobody else wants to do, according to him.

Owen seems to be the ad hoc leader when Mark Hughes is off site. A good-natured guy, mostly, although he groaned a bit this afternoon when I brought out the camera yet again.

"At least youapos;re dressed," I retorted, a reference to his morning peep show. "I look better when Iapos;m not," said Owen, coyly. Richard beat me to a retort, quipping, "No, he donapos;t."

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